The Stichting Environment & Development Resource Centre (EDRC) was established in Amsterdam in 1991 as a non-profit foundation.

Its aim is to contribute to the achievement of global sustainable development that is environmentally sound, socially just and respectful of cultural diversity.

EDRC also serves as a catalyst for new initiatives to redress shortcomings in the international environment-development policy-making process. The Centre acts as an independent 'honest-broker', carrying out and commissioning innovative studies, promoting co-operation between the environment and development movements, between researchers and activists, and between NGOs and decision makers.

Our sister organisation, the International Association EDRC, was established in Brussels in 1988 and operated until 1998. The association's membership consisted of individuals working primarily on international policy issues that have significant implications both for environment and for development. It was their shared conviction that neither area of concern can be effectively addressed in isolation from the other, and that, together, they should be at the centre of political debate on international economic, financial and trade relations - especially South-North and East-West relations.

Photo credit: / Tucoo.Com
Mission imageMission image